Friday, 25 October 2013

DV Explained

The old ME System

First an explanation of how the old ME (Match Experience) system used to work.

You had ME and AF (Average Form). You gained an amount of ME each match up to 100%, ME% x AF was what your CR was based on.

New DV system

The ME value is hidden and also is no longer capped at 100%

If you have  <100% ME then DV = ME% x AF. This is pretty much same as before. For example AF=15, DV=11. While DV<AF it is a lot easier to gain DV for each game played.

Reaching a point where DV=AF (termed "100% DV" by some people) changes things significantly.
After "100%" you get very much diminishing returns and the amount of DV you get above AF is based on the difference between AF and 20 - the lower the AF the more benefit for extra games.

EG if 4 games gives you DV=AF then what happens if you play 7 games?

If you have 16 AF you will likely have 17 DV (1 over AF)
If you have 12 AF then you may have 14 DV (2 over AF)

In each instance you might get 25% of (20-AF) added to your DV.

AF is the key to good DV but you can still get an OK CR if you play a lot of of games. There are cases where players ended the season with poor AF, maybe low teens, but still had DV of around 16+.

If you have about 17 AF then it's really hard to get DV much higher - and as each game runs the risk of injury the motivation moves more in the direction of playing other players.

It is a bit different for players bought mid season.

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